Gezira College Of Technology details

- Address: Bahri - Kafori - Block 8 Khartoum
- Location: Khartoum, Sudan
- Telephone Number: 0155770756
- Telephone Number 2: 0155770752
- Email Address:
- Website:
About Gezira College Of Technology
1- Providing sources of human knowledge to serve different scientific and technical disciplines.
2 - Development of office systems in line with recent developments in the field of library and information services.
3 - Providing information and office services to facilitate the search and retrieval through the issuance of publications catalogs Bibliography, manuals, indexes, and others.
4 - Exchange of university publications and publications of the Deanship with universities and scientific institutions inside and outside.
5 - Preparation of identification programs for students and applications and faculty members services provided by the library and how to use the sources of information available.
6 - Provide services to beneficiaries through the response and inquiries and delivery of the request as soon as possible.
7 - Work on the computerization of services and procedures in the library to accelerate work and completion of tasks.
Programs and courses
Degree Courses (17 courses)
Diploma Courses (5 courses)
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