Vanijya Mahavidyala details

- Address: Patna University
Ashok Raj Path
- Location: Patna, India
- Telephone Number: 0612-2670782
- Email Address: |
- Website:
About Vanijya Mahavidyala
Vanijya Mahavidyalaya has attained top position in the field of Commerce education in every span under Patna University. Though firstly it was started in the name of B.Com. classes on December 19, 1953 it was declared in 1954-55 as a full fledged college & the eleventh constituent unit of Patna University in the University budget after covering a journey from Patna Law College to Patna College.
Programs and courses
Degree Courses (2 courses)
Masters Courses (1 courses)
Post Graduate Diploma Courses (1 courses)
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