Colleges and Universities Offering Certificate in Logistics and Transport in Namibia

  • Course Name: Certificate in Logistics and Transport()
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  • Course Category: Certificate Courses

Institutions Offering Certificate in Logistics and Transport

  • National Institute of Technology National Institute of Technology, Windhoek  
    Level 4
    Admission on our three (3) years Bachelor of Technology programs is based on a minimum requirement of twenty-five (25) points in grade 12 (now grade 11) in five (5) subjects with an E or better symbol in English. English shall be part of the five (5) subjects you must have completed.
    Admission on our four (4) years Bachelor of Technology programs which includes a one year Certificate (Bridging) Level 4 is based on meeting the minimum requirement of twenty (20) points in Grade 12 in five subjects with a minimum of an E or better symbol in English. English shall be part of the six (6) subjects you must have completed.
    Admission on our four (4) years Bachelor of Technology programs through Mature Age Entry is based on a minimum requirement of twenty six (26) points in Grade 10 (now grade 9) in five subjects with a minimum of E or better symbol in English, age of twenty three (23) years and above, and five (5) years, or above, of working experience in a related field.

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